The album by Flats has been something of a revelation to me.  A revelation partly because I thought the band were new to me, but it turns out they are not.  Phil Cope tells me I played a single of theirs last year, and it turns out he is right.  I played a Flats single  in April 2011, as did Phil, a month earlier.  But mainly the Flats album is a revelation because it’s bloody brilliant.  You can hear Moonwalk, the tune I played tonight, on Soundcloud. (embedding seems to have been disabled – dear One Little Indian, please enable embedding on this wonderful tune)
A tune that Domino have enabled embedding for is this wonderful song from the new album by The Magnetic Fields:
The Magnetic Fields – Quick! by DominoRecordCo
Another tune I can include here for you is that by From The Mouth Of The Sun.  I’ve said this a few times over the past year or so, but I’ll say it again.  If I could change my own style of music to any other style, this is what I’d like to sound like:
If you want to listen again to the show, you’ll find it over here. Â And here’s a list of all the tunes I played: