Category Archives: Multimedia

Leeds Festival Review: Day 1

Before me sits the remnants of a full English breakfast, served to me with piping hot hash browns to mask the fact that the rest of it was clap cold. I’ve paid £7.50 for the privilege. I’m just wondering if I’ll manage to be be able to consume my body weight in orange juice from the refillable dispenser before they tell me to shit off.  You’ve got to get your five a day somehow, but fruit & veg isn’t especially forthcoming at a festival.

I arrived here yesterday morning intent (and with tent) on having enough time to pitch my canvas Shangri-La before going to catch The Walkmenopening up the Main Stage at Noon. But for a false start where I had to return to my temporary home after being denied entry due to possession of a can of well-known stout (cans not allowed apparently – though I later noticed that the novelty of the power wielded by the “Customer Protection Office” had waned after a few hours and his bag check became somewhat less censorious) and the fact that the splendid New York noiseniks start 8 minutes early for some reason, I’d have pretty much timed it to perfection.

The Walkmen: larger than actually pictured.

The Walkmen: larger than actually pictured.

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The Duke And The King session

If you didn’t hear The Duke And The King in session back in May, you missed a really good one. This was certainly one of Laura’s favourites so far this year in her show The BCB Sessions. Laura asked me to help out with the session, and it was a real pleasure.  So, here’s another chance for you to hear it.

The Duke And The King BCB session by DJ Albert Freeman

The Duke And The King at BCB, April 2010

The Duke And The King at BCB, April 2010

Cope, Arrowsmith & McLaren: Selection Box Shows 128, 129 & 130

After a false start a little while ago, Brigadeer Phillip Agnostin D’Argtanian Tannoy Gargle Pissflap Cope III plonked his posterior into the guest chair for Selection Box 128.  I continually say that I am not going to keep noting the number of the show we’re on, as its something I only mark out for my own probably-autistic filing purposes.  And yet I continue to announce how many of these by-the-seat-of-the-pants produced pillock presented programmes we’re up to now.  Still, worth noting that in around four months we’ll (and that’s very much the royal “we”) be up to 147 shows.  Perhaps I’ll have a snooker-themed special to celebrate.  Chas & Dave have retired now, so that’s them out the window as potential session guests, but no doubt referee Len Ganley knows how to tap a triangle on cue, so that’s a part of the rhythm section sorted.  Actually, he’s probably dead now I think about it.  I do know that Steve Davis is a prog rock aficianado, so perhaps this isn’t as daft an idea as it first seemed.  The only problem I foresee is that personally I find the majority of prog a bit too, well, shit to play on air.

Yours truly (right) and Phil Cope clearly have nothing in common.

Yours truly (right) and Phil Cope clearly have nothing in common.

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Lawrence Arabia session

If you didn’t hear the Lawrence Arabia session back at the start of March, you missed a really good one.  My favourite of the year so far.  So, I’ve made it available here on the blog.  Even if you did hear it, you might want to hear it again, so here you go:

Lawrence Arabia BCB session by DJ Albert Freeman

And if you are reading this on the same day I’m writing it (Wednesday 7th April 2010) you can hear both Danny and the Champions Of The World and Fionn Regan in session tonight from 8pm!

Eclectic Mainline 17th March 2010 – Midlake interview

Midlake - The Courage Of Others

Midlake - The Courage Of Others

For the very first time, my show has a podcast this week. If you heard the show you will have heard me talking to Eric Pulido of Midlake. What you will have heard is the abridged version of the interview, but the full thing is available for you here now, at the bottom of this blog entry.

Midlake have also backed John Grant on his debut solo album (he used to be the singer in The Czars). A funny thing happened the other day while I was listening to his album, Queen Of Denmark, for the first time. I was reading the brochure for the 16th Bradford International Film Festival while listening. Just as I was reading about Alien being on as part of Widescreen Weekend, John Grant was singing “I feel just like Sigourney Weaver, when she had to kill those aliens“. Spooksville..!

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Kitty (Daisy and Lewis AWOL)

The hair could rival the T-Birds

Quiffs to rival the T-Birds

The London lols continue. Not putting on a radio show every week means I have been putting my efforts into interviews and a few other interesting projects (more on that soon). It also means that there are alot of bands kicking around…thus more interviews.

I decided to chase after BCB favorites Kitty Daisy and Lewis at one of there few gigs, I passed the CRB with flying colours, found my way onto the guest list (thanks Andy at Sunday Best) and spent about 4 hours chasing them around. At five to twelve I finally managed to get Kitty to stand still long enough to answer a few questions the results of which can be heard below, I am also spending a little more time editing my interviews so these should be a little more interesting to listen too ….I missed the last tube and had to suffer the night bus for a hour and a half…the things I do for you guys.

Oh there is a swear in the interview…so watch out…


It’s not just about BCB – Save BBC 6Music

It may seem a rum do to use these BCB pages to promote another network, but the proposed closure of BBC’s digital station 6Music will be a great loss to new artists and music lovers alike, and anyone who enjoys Selection Box or indeed any of the other BCB specialist music shows should do everything in their power to show the BBC that any decision to close down 6Music should be reversed.

For further details as to how to join the campaign, go to and sign the petition, join the Facebook group and also follow my example and complain to the BBC.

I have submitted my complaint to the BBC this evening.  Here is my complaint in full:

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News Flash, Josh84 not a robot – Audio Interview

The death of culture? Am Chilled about it.

The death of culture? Am Chilled about it.

In the most impaired creative union since ladyhawk and a bottle of becks T-Mobile recently ‘Challenged’ josh84 to create a superband, using only his free texts and internet. Now, I must admit I set out to write a lovely piece of blogging acid to post up. But have subsequently come around

A bit of background first. T Mobile are a mobile Telecom company, like many companies they have advertising campaigns. In the last year they have organised some kind of flash mob at Liverpool street station and some terrifying cringe worthy karaoke event in Trafalgar square, attended by a group of people who some how make me feel like an alien to the rest of specialise. The latest campaign features Josh 84 and his campaign to create a ‘superband’ on behalf of t-mobile. Well believe it or not Josh 84 is a real human who lucked into this opportunity. Him and his superband have a single out at the moment that they are hoping will be number one this week, in the largest mobilisation of internet buying since rage against the machine (errr in a  few weeks ago). Continue reading

If Mr Scruff Was Not Rubbish He Would Probably Sound Like This

So I was wandering around listing to tunes on my earpods, busy trying not to get mugged late at night. When a song came on that I had not heard for ages (although I was dancing to it at new year, the person I was dancing with passed out half way through the song). Swing Set by Jurassic Five. A show classic that stands out on the album ‘quality control’ simply for been totally different and probably the most exciting 5 mins you will experience in your life. Swing Hop would be one way to describe it. I wanted to hear more like this and spent ages poking around the interweb thing, and guess what! I found stuff.

Some French band/DJs called G Swing, I don’t know much about them but its the closet thing I have found to the bliss of swing set (but boarder line crud). There is a fine line when listing to this music between utter rubbish (like Mr Scruff), and stuff that is actually interesting. Further research (consisting of mainly looking at Similar acts on uncovered bands called Caravan Palace and Kormac. However they boarder on the poorer end of the spectrum. Of course you could just listen to lots of good original swing/jazz music. The Jurrassic Five track samples Rusty Bryant, he is well worth a sniff when your done with the glue.

Regards the ‘Swing Hop’ that Jurassic Five created…have not found anything that comes close.

I threw in a few tracks to a spotify playlist…add swing tracks if you fancy or hip hop or anything really…It’s open to all to play with.


Hey computers!

My name is Jennifer Morris and sometimes I write about music and all that stuff.  I’m a Bradford native, Staffordshire University graduate and Internet enthusiast.  I try to make a living by making videos for businesses, bands and events and created a web series called The Just A Minute Project. You might like it.

I blog frequently and listen to music all of the time. Oh, you do too? Let’s be friends! You might see some posts by me on here in the future.


Just A Minute With Los Campesinos! from Jennifer Morris on Vimeo.