Rob Walsh


by Jem Emmett
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Rob Walsh presents Blowin. He calls it ‘World-class music radio. Blowin plays what it likes, which is plenty.’ In jazz Blowin’ is ‘Playing music in an unrestrained, unstructured, or improvisational style’. That’s him. Anyroad, go find out for yourselves on Sundays at 9pm. Or listen 24/7 to Rob’s shows on Soundcloud [ ] . Also on iTunes & Google Podcasts. And Spotify, if you can find it. Rob is a broadcaster, photographer, communicator, word wrangler, proofreader, musicologist, pompificator (it is a word now) and co-founder – with Mary Dowson – of BCB. And he once ran a very good record shop. Sign up for the Blowin Weekly newsletter [ ] and spread the word – links, playlists and Rob’s photos straight to your inbox.

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